Bagdad High School

Bagdad High School is a junior high and high school in Bagdad, Arizona. It is the only high school in the Bagdad Unified School District, which also includes Bagdad Elementary. The Bagdad Unified School District has an enrollment of 410 students. The teacher/pupil ratio is low at a typical rate of 1:12. Bagdad High School is accredited by North Central, a division of AdvancED and participates in the Arizona Interscholastic Association. A strong academic foundation is emphasized along with a number of extracurricular activities. The District achieved a "B" letter grade by the Arizona Department of Education for academic performance for the latest rating in 2014.

Bagdad High School

Bagdad High School is a junior high and high school in Bagdad, Arizona. It is the only high school in the Bagdad Unified School District, which also includes Bagdad Elementary. The Bagdad Unified School District has an enrollment of 410 students. The teacher/pupil ratio is low at a typical rate of 1:12. Bagdad High School is accredited by North Central, a division of AdvancED and participates in the Arizona Interscholastic Association. A strong academic foundation is emphasized along with a number of extracurricular activities. The District achieved a "B" letter grade by the Arizona Department of Education for academic performance for the latest rating in 2014.