Balli Kombëtar

The Balli Kombëtar (literally National Front), known as Ballists, was an Albanian nationalist, anti-communist and anti-monarchist organization established in November 1942. It was led by Ali Këlcyra and Midhat Frashëri. The motto of the Balli Kombëtar was: "Shqipëria Shqiptarëve, Vdekje Tradhëtarëvet" (Albania for the Albanians, Death to the Traitors). Eventually the Balli Kombëtar joined the Nazi established puppet government and fought as an ally against anti-fascist guerrilla groups. The Ballists were predominantly Ghegs, fighting against the partisans who were predominantly Tosks.

Balli Kombëtar

The Balli Kombëtar (literally National Front), known as Ballists, was an Albanian nationalist, anti-communist and anti-monarchist organization established in November 1942. It was led by Ali Këlcyra and Midhat Frashëri. The motto of the Balli Kombëtar was: "Shqipëria Shqiptarëve, Vdekje Tradhëtarëvet" (Albania for the Albanians, Death to the Traitors). Eventually the Balli Kombëtar joined the Nazi established puppet government and fought as an ally against anti-fascist guerrilla groups. The Ballists were predominantly Ghegs, fighting against the partisans who were predominantly Tosks.