Ban 1080 Party

The Ban 1080 Party is a registered political party in New Zealand. The party was founded by Bill Wallace and opposes the use of 1080 poison, which is widely used in New Zealand for controlling possums. The party's co-leaders are Bill Wallace and Mike Downard. The party contested the 2014 election. The party applied for registration with the New Zealand Electoral Commission in mid-2014, and was approved on 8 August. On 19 August 2014 the party announced its party list, with nine list and five electorate candidates.

Ban 1080 Party

The Ban 1080 Party is a registered political party in New Zealand. The party was founded by Bill Wallace and opposes the use of 1080 poison, which is widely used in New Zealand for controlling possums. The party's co-leaders are Bill Wallace and Mike Downard. The party contested the 2014 election. The party applied for registration with the New Zealand Electoral Commission in mid-2014, and was approved on 8 August. On 19 August 2014 the party announced its party list, with nine list and five electorate candidates.