Bangladeshi hip hop

Bangladeshi hip hop is commonly a genre of music and culture that covers a variety of styles of hip hop music developed in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi hip hop is heavily influenced by US hip hop, and started in early 2000. In recent years, local Bangladeshi hip hop artists have begun to emerge in underground scenes in large cities such as Dhaka, Sylhet and Chittagong. The lyrical expression of cultural identity, with lyrics addressing Bangladesh's political and social problems, make hip hop a popular and growing genre. A very few artists also fuse with other genre to unite the music industry thus spread. But nowadays Bangladeshi hip hop is more than just a genre. It also now includes break dancing, street stunts and graffiti writing. Numerus underground crews are spreading every day by their t

Bangladeshi hip hop

Bangladeshi hip hop is commonly a genre of music and culture that covers a variety of styles of hip hop music developed in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi hip hop is heavily influenced by US hip hop, and started in early 2000. In recent years, local Bangladeshi hip hop artists have begun to emerge in underground scenes in large cities such as Dhaka, Sylhet and Chittagong. The lyrical expression of cultural identity, with lyrics addressing Bangladesh's political and social problems, make hip hop a popular and growing genre. A very few artists also fuse with other genre to unite the music industry thus spread. But nowadays Bangladeshi hip hop is more than just a genre. It also now includes break dancing, street stunts and graffiti writing. Numerus underground crews are spreading every day by their t