Batalanda detention center

Batalanda detention center was an alleged detention center used to torture and exterminate members of the then militant marxist rebel organization Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna(JVP) during JVP uprising of 1988-1989 who launched a second armed revolt against an elected government then led by President Ranasinghe Premadasa.Unlike the previous open uprising the JVP relied on assasinations of important religious and political figures ,subversion and terror attacks. The government replied brutally showing no mercy and the government has been accused of using detention camps in several places including Batalanda to quell the JVP uprising.These were said to be run by anti-subversive units of the police who were tasked with destroying rebels It is believed that nearly 5000-10000 members of JVP activi

Batalanda detention center

Batalanda detention center was an alleged detention center used to torture and exterminate members of the then militant marxist rebel organization Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna(JVP) during JVP uprising of 1988-1989 who launched a second armed revolt against an elected government then led by President Ranasinghe Premadasa.Unlike the previous open uprising the JVP relied on assasinations of important religious and political figures ,subversion and terror attacks. The government replied brutally showing no mercy and the government has been accused of using detention camps in several places including Batalanda to quell the JVP uprising.These were said to be run by anti-subversive units of the police who were tasked with destroying rebels It is believed that nearly 5000-10000 members of JVP activi