Batman (serial)

Batman is a 1943 black-and-white 15-chapter theatrical serial from Columbia Pictures, produced by Rudolph C. Flothow and directed by Lambert Hillyer. The serial starred Lewis Wilson as Batman and Douglas Croft as Robin. J. Carrol Naish played the villain, an original character named Dr. Daka, a secret agent of the Japanese Imperial government. Rounding out the cast were Shirley Patterson as Linda Page, Bruce Wayne's love interest, and William Austin as Alfred the butler. The serial is based on the DC Comics character Batman, first published in Detective Comics #27, the May 1939 issue.

Batman (serial)

Batman is a 1943 black-and-white 15-chapter theatrical serial from Columbia Pictures, produced by Rudolph C. Flothow and directed by Lambert Hillyer. The serial starred Lewis Wilson as Batman and Douglas Croft as Robin. J. Carrol Naish played the villain, an original character named Dr. Daka, a secret agent of the Japanese Imperial government. Rounding out the cast were Shirley Patterson as Linda Page, Bruce Wayne's love interest, and William Austin as Alfred the butler. The serial is based on the DC Comics character Batman, first published in Detective Comics #27, the May 1939 issue.