Battersea (Petersburg, Virginia)

Battersea is a historic home located at Petersburg, Virginia. It was built about 1768, for Colonel John Banister (1734-1788), the first mayor of Petersburg and a signer of the Articles of Confederation. It is a symmetrical five-part Palladian house consisting of a two-story central block topped by a pyramidal roof, one-story wings that act as hyphens, and 1 1/2-story end pavilions. Also on the property are the contributing greenhouse and a kitchen, which may have additionally served as a laundry and servants’ quarter. The property also includes the contributing sites of an 18th-century formal garden and a stable.

Battersea (Petersburg, Virginia)

Battersea is a historic home located at Petersburg, Virginia. It was built about 1768, for Colonel John Banister (1734-1788), the first mayor of Petersburg and a signer of the Articles of Confederation. It is a symmetrical five-part Palladian house consisting of a two-story central block topped by a pyramidal roof, one-story wings that act as hyphens, and 1 1/2-story end pavilions. Also on the property are the contributing greenhouse and a kitchen, which may have additionally served as a laundry and servants’ quarter. The property also includes the contributing sites of an 18th-century formal garden and a stable.