Battle of Karnal

The Battle of Karnal (February 24, 1739), was a decisive victory for Nader, the Shāh of Iran, during his invasion of Mughal India. Nader's forces defeated the army of Muhammad Shah within three hours, despite being heavily outnumbered (six-to-one), paving the way for the Persian sack of Delhi. The engagement is considered the crowning jewel in Nader's military career as well as a tactical masterpiece. The battle took place near Karnal, 110 kilometres (68 mi) north of Delhi, India.

Battle of Karnal

The Battle of Karnal (February 24, 1739), was a decisive victory for Nader, the Shāh of Iran, during his invasion of Mughal India. Nader's forces defeated the army of Muhammad Shah within three hours, despite being heavily outnumbered (six-to-one), paving the way for the Persian sack of Delhi. The engagement is considered the crowning jewel in Nader's military career as well as a tactical masterpiece. The battle took place near Karnal, 110 kilometres (68 mi) north of Delhi, India.