Bay View Garden And Yard Society

The Bay View Garden And Yard Society (Society) is a nonprofit 501(c)(7) organization based in the Bay View neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sometimes referred to by the acronym BVGAYS, the membership of the Society consists of persons living predominantly in Bay View, who volunteer their time and talents by maintaining public gardens in Bay View. Inherent to the group’s philosophy is the principle that by maintaining one’s own property, others are inspired to follow by example.

Bay View Garden And Yard Society

The Bay View Garden And Yard Society (Society) is a nonprofit 501(c)(7) organization based in the Bay View neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sometimes referred to by the acronym BVGAYS, the membership of the Society consists of persons living predominantly in Bay View, who volunteer their time and talents by maintaining public gardens in Bay View. Inherent to the group’s philosophy is the principle that by maintaining one’s own property, others are inspired to follow by example.