Beaver Falls High School

Beaver Falls High School, is a public high school located in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, United States. It is the sole high school for the Big Beaver Falls Area School District. Beaver Falls High School provides grades 9th through 12th. The total school enrollment is 562 students in 2010, with 330 students eligible for a free or reduced rice lunch due to family poverty. At Beaver Falls High School, the student body demographics were 52 percent male and 48 percent female, and the total minority enrollment is 28 percent in 2010.

Beaver Falls High School

Beaver Falls High School, is a public high school located in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, United States. It is the sole high school for the Big Beaver Falls Area School District. Beaver Falls High School provides grades 9th through 12th. The total school enrollment is 562 students in 2010, with 330 students eligible for a free or reduced rice lunch due to family poverty. At Beaver Falls High School, the student body demographics were 52 percent male and 48 percent female, and the total minority enrollment is 28 percent in 2010.