Beehive Boot

The Beehive Boot, which signifies instate football supremacy among Division I FBS universities from the state of Utah, was conceived in 1971. The authentic pioneer boot, which is estimated to be well over 100 years old, is awarded annually to the Utah school with the best record against its instate NCAA Division I FBS foes. The schools who compete for the boot are Brigham Young, Utah, and Utah State. Weber State was originally eligible to win the trophy, and games against them counted towards their opponents' record when determining the winner of the trophy. It is unclear when this stopped being the case, but it was at least by 2012, when Utah State won the trophy over BYU (BYU's win over Weber State was not counted towards their instate record).

Beehive Boot

The Beehive Boot, which signifies instate football supremacy among Division I FBS universities from the state of Utah, was conceived in 1971. The authentic pioneer boot, which is estimated to be well over 100 years old, is awarded annually to the Utah school with the best record against its instate NCAA Division I FBS foes. The schools who compete for the boot are Brigham Young, Utah, and Utah State. Weber State was originally eligible to win the trophy, and games against them counted towards their opponents' record when determining the winner of the trophy. It is unclear when this stopped being the case, but it was at least by 2012, when Utah State won the trophy over BYU (BYU's win over Weber State was not counted towards their instate record).