Befrienders Worldwide

Befrienders Worldwide is a charity that helps people worldwide who are tempted to suicide or despair. They listen without judging people or telling them what to do. If there is someone to listen, this can sometimes keep a person alive who might otherwise die. Frequently, suicidal people focus on a difficulty or something that causes them suffering, till finding a solution or a way of getting through it becomes hard. People can talk to a befriender confidentially, while feeling safe and get things into proportion.

Befrienders Worldwide

Befrienders Worldwide is a charity that helps people worldwide who are tempted to suicide or despair. They listen without judging people or telling them what to do. If there is someone to listen, this can sometimes keep a person alive who might otherwise die. Frequently, suicidal people focus on a difficulty or something that causes them suffering, till finding a solution or a way of getting through it becomes hard. People can talk to a befriender confidentially, while feeling safe and get things into proportion.