Behind the News

Behind the News (more commonly known as BtN) is a long-running news program broadcast on Australia's ABC TV made in Adelaide and aimed at school-aged children (8–13 years of age). BtN is aimed at upper primary and lower secondary students with the goal of helping them understand current issues and events in their world. Many schools allow students watch BtN on a regular basis in the hope that it will give them an insight into politics, current affairs, sport and various other topics.

Behind the News

Behind the News (more commonly known as BtN) is a long-running news program broadcast on Australia's ABC TV made in Adelaide and aimed at school-aged children (8–13 years of age). BtN is aimed at upper primary and lower secondary students with the goal of helping them understand current issues and events in their world. Many schools allow students watch BtN on a regular basis in the hope that it will give them an insight into politics, current affairs, sport and various other topics.