Belleville Nuclear Power Plant

The Belleville Nuclear Power Plant is located in Belleville-sur-Loire (Cher) near Léré, Cher, along the Loire River between Nevers (75 kilometres (47 mi) upstream) and Orléans (100 kilometres (62 mi) downstream). It employs approximately 620 people and consists of two large 1,300 MW P4 nuclear reactors. Its cooling water comes from the Loire River. On March 27, 2007 twelve Greenpeace activists climbed the cooling tower and held up a sign in opposition to the construction of new units at the Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant.

Belleville Nuclear Power Plant

The Belleville Nuclear Power Plant is located in Belleville-sur-Loire (Cher) near Léré, Cher, along the Loire River between Nevers (75 kilometres (47 mi) upstream) and Orléans (100 kilometres (62 mi) downstream). It employs approximately 620 people and consists of two large 1,300 MW P4 nuclear reactors. Its cooling water comes from the Loire River. On March 27, 2007 twelve Greenpeace activists climbed the cooling tower and held up a sign in opposition to the construction of new units at the Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant.