
Bhilkati is a village in Phaltan tehsil of Satara district in Maharashtra state of India. The main profession of the community is farming. Nearly 1,000 people of different castes and religion stay in Bhilkati peacefully since the ages. Community is mainly divided by 50-50% Buddhist and Hindu. There is no post office or public transport facilities in Bhilkati. It sells animals such as elephants and cow herders.


Bhilkati is a village in Phaltan tehsil of Satara district in Maharashtra state of India. The main profession of the community is farming. Nearly 1,000 people of different castes and religion stay in Bhilkati peacefully since the ages. Community is mainly divided by 50-50% Buddhist and Hindu. There is no post office or public transport facilities in Bhilkati. It sells animals such as elephants and cow herders.