Birth tax

Birth tax is a tax imposed by the government on a family at the time that a child is born. It is might be a means of implementing human population planning. Edward Abbey meant about such when he wrote: "How to reduce the human population of Santa Cruz, of California, of America? Without undue pain to anyone but land speculators, development planners, the sharks and barracudas of real estate? My answer is simple: Place a good stiff tax on Motherhood. Penalize parents. Revise the tax system so as to rewardsingles and childless couples while requiring the begetters of children (including me) to pay more, not less, in taxes."

Birth tax

Birth tax is a tax imposed by the government on a family at the time that a child is born. It is might be a means of implementing human population planning. Edward Abbey meant about such when he wrote: "How to reduce the human population of Santa Cruz, of California, of America? Without undue pain to anyone but land speculators, development planners, the sharks and barracudas of real estate? My answer is simple: Place a good stiff tax on Motherhood. Penalize parents. Revise the tax system so as to rewardsingles and childless couples while requiring the begetters of children (including me) to pay more, not less, in taxes."