Black cadets at the United States Coast Guard Academy

Founded in 1876 as the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service School of Instruction, the United States Coast Guard Academy graduated their first African-American Cadet in 1966. Prior to 1962, there was one African-American Cadet, Javis Wright, admitted. The Coast Guard Academy is the only federal military academy that does not require a Congressional appointment, and admission is strictly on the basis of the Scholastic Aptitude Test and consideration of extracurricular involvement. In 1973 there were 28 Black cadets sworn into the Class of 1977, and in 1974 there were 20 Black cadets admitted as part of the Class of 1978. These two years alone quickly raised the percentage of minority cadets at the Academy. The entering class is usually between 200 and 300 cadets, with the entire four class student b

Black cadets at the United States Coast Guard Academy

Founded in 1876 as the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service School of Instruction, the United States Coast Guard Academy graduated their first African-American Cadet in 1966. Prior to 1962, there was one African-American Cadet, Javis Wright, admitted. The Coast Guard Academy is the only federal military academy that does not require a Congressional appointment, and admission is strictly on the basis of the Scholastic Aptitude Test and consideration of extracurricular involvement. In 1973 there were 28 Black cadets sworn into the Class of 1977, and in 1974 there were 20 Black cadets admitted as part of the Class of 1978. These two years alone quickly raised the percentage of minority cadets at the Academy. The entering class is usually between 200 and 300 cadets, with the entire four class student b