Blackbeard (2006 film)

Blackbeard is a 2006 adventure-drama miniseries based on the pirate Blackbeard, directed by Kevin Connor from a screenplay written by Bryce Zabel. It premiered on Hallmark Channel on June 17, 2006. The miniseries was shot on location in Thailand and the town of New Providence was built on a coconut plantation, and includes many factual names and places, but it is essentially a fictional story since Blackbeard's most notable exploits took place in North Carolina. The miniseries was later released in an international DVD edition re-titled Pirates: The True Story of Blackbeard, though by the writers own admission little of the screenplay was actually true.

Blackbeard (2006 film)

Blackbeard is a 2006 adventure-drama miniseries based on the pirate Blackbeard, directed by Kevin Connor from a screenplay written by Bryce Zabel. It premiered on Hallmark Channel on June 17, 2006. The miniseries was shot on location in Thailand and the town of New Providence was built on a coconut plantation, and includes many factual names and places, but it is essentially a fictional story since Blackbeard's most notable exploits took place in North Carolina. The miniseries was later released in an international DVD edition re-titled Pirates: The True Story of Blackbeard, though by the writers own admission little of the screenplay was actually true.