Boobs! The Musical

Boobs! The Musical: The World According to Ruth Wallis is a musical revue with lyrics and music by 1950s and 1960s star Ruth Wallis. Using 23 of Wallis' songs, Boobs! tells the story of Ruth Wallis' international career and struggles in performing her naughty songs. Boobs! The Musical opened at the Triad Theater in New York City on May 19, 2003, to critical praise.

Boobs! The Musical

Boobs! The Musical: The World According to Ruth Wallis is a musical revue with lyrics and music by 1950s and 1960s star Ruth Wallis. Using 23 of Wallis' songs, Boobs! tells the story of Ruth Wallis' international career and struggles in performing her naughty songs. Boobs! The Musical opened at the Triad Theater in New York City on May 19, 2003, to critical praise.