Bottlinger's ring

A Bottlinger's Ring is a type of halo that is elliptical, instead of circular as the 22° halo or the 46° halo. Because it is so small however, it is usually seen around the Subsun. Sometimes they occur around the Sun, but the Sun makes it very hard to see. Because of this, they are only seen on airplanes. Bottlinger's rings are not well understood yet.

Bottlinger's ring

A Bottlinger's Ring is a type of halo that is elliptical, instead of circular as the 22° halo or the 46° halo. Because it is so small however, it is usually seen around the Subsun. Sometimes they occur around the Sun, but the Sun makes it very hard to see. Because of this, they are only seen on airplanes. Bottlinger's rings are not well understood yet.