Bouncing Boy

Bouncing Boy, a fictional character from the DC Comics Universe, is a 30th-century superhero known for being a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Born on Earth as Chuck Taine, Bouncing Boy has the power to inflate like a giant ball and bounce around. This combination of invulnerability and velocity makes him a surprisingly useful combatant. Born on Earth without any powers, he received his abilities by accidentally drinking a super-plastic formula he believed was a soda. Chuck is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Bouncing Boy is known for sharing a long-term romantic relationship with fellow Legionnaire Triplicate Girl of the planet Cargg, whom he eventually marries. In Reboot Legion continuity, Chuck Taine is the Legion's mechanic. Bouncing Boy was created by Jerry Siegel and Jim

Bouncing Boy

Bouncing Boy, a fictional character from the DC Comics Universe, is a 30th-century superhero known for being a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Born on Earth as Chuck Taine, Bouncing Boy has the power to inflate like a giant ball and bounce around. This combination of invulnerability and velocity makes him a surprisingly useful combatant. Born on Earth without any powers, he received his abilities by accidentally drinking a super-plastic formula he believed was a soda. Chuck is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Bouncing Boy is known for sharing a long-term romantic relationship with fellow Legionnaire Triplicate Girl of the planet Cargg, whom he eventually marries. In Reboot Legion continuity, Chuck Taine is the Legion's mechanic. Bouncing Boy was created by Jerry Siegel and Jim