
Boxey is a fictional character from the original Battlestar Galactica television series portrayed by Noah Hathaway. He is the son of Serina and soon after the beginning of the show he becomes the stepson of Captain Apollo. Boxey grows up to become Captain Troy in Galactica 1980, portrayed by Kent McCord. Dialogue in the initial episode of Galactica 1980 indicates that "Boxey" was a childhood nickname, and that the character's given name was always Troy. Also named Troy he appears in Richard Hatch's relaunch novels set after the end of the TV series, having grown up and trained as a Viper pilot.


Boxey is a fictional character from the original Battlestar Galactica television series portrayed by Noah Hathaway. He is the son of Serina and soon after the beginning of the show he becomes the stepson of Captain Apollo. Boxey grows up to become Captain Troy in Galactica 1980, portrayed by Kent McCord. Dialogue in the initial episode of Galactica 1980 indicates that "Boxey" was a childhood nickname, and that the character's given name was always Troy. Also named Troy he appears in Richard Hatch's relaunch novels set after the end of the TV series, having grown up and trained as a Viper pilot.