Braintree (company)

Braintree—a subsidiary of PayPal—is a company based in Chicago that specializes in mobile and web payment systems for ecommerce companies. Braintree emphasizes its easy integrations, multiple payment method options (including PayPal and Venmo), simple pricing, security, and support. Braintree provides its customers with a merchant account and a payment gateway, along with various features including recurring billing, credit card storage, support for mobile and international payments, and PCI Compliance solutions.

Braintree (company)

Braintree—a subsidiary of PayPal—is a company based in Chicago that specializes in mobile and web payment systems for ecommerce companies. Braintree emphasizes its easy integrations, multiple payment method options (including PayPal and Venmo), simple pricing, security, and support. Braintree provides its customers with a merchant account and a payment gateway, along with various features including recurring billing, credit card storage, support for mobile and international payments, and PCI Compliance solutions.