Brandi Britton

Brandy Britton (b. 1973 - d. 2007-01-30) was a professor of sociology and anthropology. She worked at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, resigning in 1999. In January 2006 she was arrested on charges of prostitution. Britton claimed she was innocent, and was being framed by an angry ex-husband. Darragh Johnson, a Washington Post writer who interviewed her, asserted that the charges she faced were misdemeanors, and "rarely go to trial." While at Oregon State, Britton volunteered at a battered women's shelter, and helped organize a late-night ride program, for women's safety.

Brandi Britton

Brandy Britton (b. 1973 - d. 2007-01-30) was a professor of sociology and anthropology. She worked at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, resigning in 1999. In January 2006 she was arrested on charges of prostitution. Britton claimed she was innocent, and was being framed by an angry ex-husband. Darragh Johnson, a Washington Post writer who interviewed her, asserted that the charges she faced were misdemeanors, and "rarely go to trial." While at Oregon State, Britton volunteered at a battered women's shelter, and helped organize a late-night ride program, for women's safety.