Brazil–Malvinas Confluence

The Brazil–Malvinas Confluence Zone (also called the Brazil–Falkland Confluence Zone or the Brazil–Falklands Confluence Zone) is a very energetic region of water just off the coast of Argentina and Uruguay where the warm poleward flowing Brazil Current and the cold equatorward flowing Malvinas Current converge. This region does oscillate latitudinally, however, in general this region of confluence occurs between 35 and 45 degrees south latitude and 50 to 70 degrees west longitude. The confluence of these two currents causes a strong thermohaline to exist and causes numerous high energy eddies to form.

Brazil–Malvinas Confluence

The Brazil–Malvinas Confluence Zone (also called the Brazil–Falkland Confluence Zone or the Brazil–Falklands Confluence Zone) is a very energetic region of water just off the coast of Argentina and Uruguay where the warm poleward flowing Brazil Current and the cold equatorward flowing Malvinas Current converge. This region does oscillate latitudinally, however, in general this region of confluence occurs between 35 and 45 degrees south latitude and 50 to 70 degrees west longitude. The confluence of these two currents causes a strong thermohaline to exist and causes numerous high energy eddies to form.