Brazzaville arms dump blasts

On 4 March 2012, a series of blasts occurred at an army arms dump in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo. At least 250 people were killed by the explosions. Additional bodies were said to be "unfindable." Among the dead were six Chinese workers from a Beijing Construction Engineering Group work site close to the armoury. Interior Minister Raymond Mboulou said that nearby hospitals were overflowing with injuries, with many wounded lying in hallways due to lack of space. Total injures exceeded 2,300. More than 13,800 people were left homeless. One survivor described the event as feeling like "the apocalypse;" others described it as "like a tsunami" or earthquake.

Brazzaville arms dump blasts

On 4 March 2012, a series of blasts occurred at an army arms dump in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo. At least 250 people were killed by the explosions. Additional bodies were said to be "unfindable." Among the dead were six Chinese workers from a Beijing Construction Engineering Group work site close to the armoury. Interior Minister Raymond Mboulou said that nearby hospitals were overflowing with injuries, with many wounded lying in hallways due to lack of space. Total injures exceeded 2,300. More than 13,800 people were left homeless. One survivor described the event as feeling like "the apocalypse;" others described it as "like a tsunami" or earthquake.