
Breakin', released as Breakdance: the Movie or Break Street '84 in some countries, is a 1984 American breakdancing-themed comedy-drama film directed by Joel Silberg and written by Charles Parker and Allen DeBevoise based on a story by Parker, DeBevoise, and Gerald Scaife. The film's setting was inspired by a 1983 German documentary entitled Breakin' and Enterin', set in the multi-racial hip hop club, Radio-Tron, based out of MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. Many of the artists and dancers, including Ice T (who makes his film debut as a club MC) and Boogaloo Shrimp, went straight from Breakin' and Enterin' to star in Breakin'. Ice T has stated he considers the film and his own performance in it to be "wack".


Breakin', released as Breakdance: the Movie or Break Street '84 in some countries, is a 1984 American breakdancing-themed comedy-drama film directed by Joel Silberg and written by Charles Parker and Allen DeBevoise based on a story by Parker, DeBevoise, and Gerald Scaife. The film's setting was inspired by a 1983 German documentary entitled Breakin' and Enterin', set in the multi-racial hip hop club, Radio-Tron, based out of MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. Many of the artists and dancers, including Ice T (who makes his film debut as a club MC) and Boogaloo Shrimp, went straight from Breakin' and Enterin' to star in Breakin'. Ice T has stated he considers the film and his own performance in it to be "wack".