Breast torture

Breast torture or tit torture is a BDSM sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the breasts. Nipples are the easiest and most common target, being inflicted with pain typically by applying nipple clamps, a sex toy attached to an erect nipple to pinch and restrict blood flow by applying pressure and, when removed, causing further pain by the return of normal blood flow. Men's as well as women's nipples of can receive such treatment. Erotic electrostimulation of the breasts is also practiced although such activity around the chest area may carry risks of electrocution.

Breast torture

Breast torture or tit torture is a BDSM sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the breasts. Nipples are the easiest and most common target, being inflicted with pain typically by applying nipple clamps, a sex toy attached to an erect nipple to pinch and restrict blood flow by applying pressure and, when removed, causing further pain by the return of normal blood flow. Men's as well as women's nipples of can receive such treatment. Erotic electrostimulation of the breasts is also practiced although such activity around the chest area may carry risks of electrocution.