British Assyrians

British Assyrians, also known as Assyrian Brits, English Assyrians and Assyrians in the United Kingdom, are members of the Semitic, Eastern Aramaic speaking Assyrian ethnic group (also known as Chaldo-Assyrians and some by the denominational term Chaldean Catholics) born or residing in the United Kingdom. They are the indigenous Non-Arab, Pre-Arab and Pre-Islamic descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians, and the Assyrians, in particular.

British Assyrians

British Assyrians, also known as Assyrian Brits, English Assyrians and Assyrians in the United Kingdom, are members of the Semitic, Eastern Aramaic speaking Assyrian ethnic group (also known as Chaldo-Assyrians and some by the denominational term Chaldean Catholics) born or residing in the United Kingdom. They are the indigenous Non-Arab, Pre-Arab and Pre-Islamic descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians, and the Assyrians, in particular.