British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology

The British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology (BSSSP) was founded in 1913, "to advance a particularly radical agenda in the field of sex reform, based on the writings of gurus such as [Edward] Carpenter and [Havelock] Ellis." In 1931 the Society was renamed the British Sexological Society.It seems to have continued until some point in the 1940s. The Society published a series of pamphlets:

British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology

The British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology (BSSSP) was founded in 1913, "to advance a particularly radical agenda in the field of sex reform, based on the writings of gurus such as [Edward] Carpenter and [Havelock] Ellis." In 1931 the Society was renamed the British Sexological Society.It seems to have continued until some point in the 1940s. The Society published a series of pamphlets: