
Bugtilemur is an extinct genus of Strepsirhine primate tentatively placed within family Cheirogaleidae, which includes the dwarf and mouse lemurs of Madagascar. It is represented by only one species, B. mathesoni, which was found in the Chitarwata Formation of Pakistan. If this classification is correct, Bugtilemur would be the oldest lemur fossil and the only lemuriform primate, extinct or extant, that has been found outside of Madagascar, significantly complicating the evolution and diversification of lemurs.


Bugtilemur is an extinct genus of Strepsirhine primate tentatively placed within family Cheirogaleidae, which includes the dwarf and mouse lemurs of Madagascar. It is represented by only one species, B. mathesoni, which was found in the Chitarwata Formation of Pakistan. If this classification is correct, Bugtilemur would be the oldest lemur fossil and the only lemuriform primate, extinct or extant, that has been found outside of Madagascar, significantly complicating the evolution and diversification of lemurs.