Buntings (department store)

Buntings was a large department store in Norwich, England. Arthur Bunting started out in 1860 in partnership with the three Curl Brothers in setting up a drapery on the corner of St Stephens Street and Rampant Horse Street. The partnership did not last and before the end of 1860, the Curl Brothers had set up shop on the opposite side of Rampant Horse Street. Bunting's business grew, even though there was competition from around 90 drapery businesses in Norwich. By 1866 Arthur Bunting & Co was incorporated.

Buntings (department store)

Buntings was a large department store in Norwich, England. Arthur Bunting started out in 1860 in partnership with the three Curl Brothers in setting up a drapery on the corner of St Stephens Street and Rampant Horse Street. The partnership did not last and before the end of 1860, the Curl Brothers had set up shop on the opposite side of Rampant Horse Street. Bunting's business grew, even though there was competition from around 90 drapery businesses in Norwich. By 1866 Arthur Bunting & Co was incorporated.