Bus garage

A bus garage, also known as a bus base or bus barn, is a facility where buses are stored and maintained. The term bus depot is also used, except that the term "bus depot" may also be used to refer to a bus station, a place where tickets are sold or where transfers to other bus routes are possible. In many conurbations, bus garages are on the site of former car barns or tram sheds, where trams (streetcars) were stored, and the operation transferred to buses. In other areas, garages were built to replace horse-bus yards or on virgin sites when populations were not as high as now.

Bus garage

A bus garage, also known as a bus base or bus barn, is a facility where buses are stored and maintained. The term bus depot is also used, except that the term "bus depot" may also be used to refer to a bus station, a place where tickets are sold or where transfers to other bus routes are possible. In many conurbations, bus garages are on the site of former car barns or tram sheds, where trams (streetcars) were stored, and the operation transferred to buses. In other areas, garages were built to replace horse-bus yards or on virgin sites when populations were not as high as now.