Butch and femme

Butch and femme are terms used to describe individual gender identities in the lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and cross-dressing subcultures to ascribe or acknowledge a masculine (butch) or feminine (femme) identity with its associated traits, behaviors, styles, self-perception and so on. The terms were founded in lesbian communities in the twentieth century, but can still be seen today in LGBT culture, specifically the lesbian sub-culture. This concept has been called a "way to organize sexual relationships and gender and sexual identity". Butch-femme culture is not the sole form of a lesbian dyadic system, as there are many women in butch–butch and femme–femme relationships.

Butch and femme

Butch and femme are terms used to describe individual gender identities in the lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and cross-dressing subcultures to ascribe or acknowledge a masculine (butch) or feminine (femme) identity with its associated traits, behaviors, styles, self-perception and so on. The terms were founded in lesbian communities in the twentieth century, but can still be seen today in LGBT culture, specifically the lesbian sub-culture. This concept has been called a "way to organize sexual relationships and gender and sexual identity". Butch-femme culture is not the sole form of a lesbian dyadic system, as there are many women in butch–butch and femme–femme relationships.