C-HTML (short for Compact HyperText Markup Language), also called i-mode-HTML, is a subset of HTML for small information devices, such as first-generation smart phones and PDAs, such as DoCoMo's i-mode mobile phones used in Japan. C-HTML adds several features not found in standard HTML, notably accesskeys, phone number shortcuts for links, and emoji pictorial characters as locally extended Shift JIS, all concepts borrowed from HDML and WML.


C-HTML (short for Compact HyperText Markup Language), also called i-mode-HTML, is a subset of HTML for small information devices, such as first-generation smart phones and PDAs, such as DoCoMo's i-mode mobile phones used in Japan. C-HTML adds several features not found in standard HTML, notably accesskeys, phone number shortcuts for links, and emoji pictorial characters as locally extended Shift JIS, all concepts borrowed from HDML and WML.