C1 Centauri

C1 Centauri (C1 Cen) is a star in the constellation Centaurus. It is approximately 720 light years from Earth. C1 Centauri A is a M-type red giant with a mean apparent magnitude of +5.64. It is classified as a semiregular variable star and its brightness varies from magnitude +5.55 to +5.80 with a period of 60 days.

C1 Centauri

C1 Centauri (C1 Cen) is a star in the constellation Centaurus. It is approximately 720 light years from Earth. C1 Centauri A is a M-type red giant with a mean apparent magnitude of +5.64. It is classified as a semiregular variable star and its brightness varies from magnitude +5.55 to +5.80 with a period of 60 days.