California Proposition 51 (2016)

Proposition 51 is a California ballot proposition on the November 8, 2016 ballot regarding $9 billion in bonds to fund construction and improvement of K-12 and community college facilities. The measure designates $7 billion for K-12 projects falling under four types of projects (new construction, modernization, career technical education facilities, and charter school facilities), and $2 billion for any facility project for community colleges. No other bond measures related to education have been on the California ballot since 2006.

California Proposition 51 (2016)

Proposition 51 is a California ballot proposition on the November 8, 2016 ballot regarding $9 billion in bonds to fund construction and improvement of K-12 and community college facilities. The measure designates $7 billion for K-12 projects falling under four types of projects (new construction, modernization, career technical education facilities, and charter school facilities), and $2 billion for any facility project for community colleges. No other bond measures related to education have been on the California ballot since 2006.