Camp 020

Camp 020 at Latchmere House in south London was a British interrogation centre for captured German agents during the Second World War. It was run by Lieutenant Colonel Robin "Tin Eye" Stephens. Although other wartime interrogation centres were alleged to have used torture to extract confessions, Robin Stephens denied claims that torture had been used at Camp 020. A German inmate claimed he was told by a British officer that "We are not bound by any rules or regulations. We do not care a damn whether you leave this place on a stretcher or in a hearse."

Camp 020

Camp 020 at Latchmere House in south London was a British interrogation centre for captured German agents during the Second World War. It was run by Lieutenant Colonel Robin "Tin Eye" Stephens. Although other wartime interrogation centres were alleged to have used torture to extract confessions, Robin Stephens denied claims that torture had been used at Camp 020. A German inmate claimed he was told by a British officer that "We are not bound by any rules or regulations. We do not care a damn whether you leave this place on a stretcher or in a hearse."