Camptogramma bilineata

Camptogramma bilineata, the yellow shell, is a moth of the family Geometridae. The species can be found in Europe, North America and Asia. The wingspan is 20–25 mm. The colour of the front and hind wings is yellow to ochre brown (occasionally light). The Front and hind wings are covered with brown or white serrated crossbars. There are usually three or four distinct white crossbars, which may be bordered by a black line. The wing margin is black and wavy. The moths fly from June to August. .

Camptogramma bilineata

Camptogramma bilineata, the yellow shell, is a moth of the family Geometridae. The species can be found in Europe, North America and Asia. The wingspan is 20–25 mm. The colour of the front and hind wings is yellow to ochre brown (occasionally light). The Front and hind wings are covered with brown or white serrated crossbars. There are usually three or four distinct white crossbars, which may be bordered by a black line. The wing margin is black and wavy. The moths fly from June to August. .