
Camptostoma is a small genus of tyrant flycatchers. It contains two species. * Northern beardless tyrannulet, Camptostoma imberbe * Southern beardless tyrannulet, Camptostoma obsoletum These are very small passerine birds which breed in the tropical and subtropical Americas from the southernmost USA south to Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. The two species are similar, and were once considered conspecific. However, they overlap without interbreeding in central Costa Rica. They are active birds, feeding in a vireo or warbler-like fashion on insects, spiders and berries.


Camptostoma is a small genus of tyrant flycatchers. It contains two species. * Northern beardless tyrannulet, Camptostoma imberbe * Southern beardless tyrannulet, Camptostoma obsoletum These are very small passerine birds which breed in the tropical and subtropical Americas from the southernmost USA south to Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. The two species are similar, and were once considered conspecific. However, they overlap without interbreeding in central Costa Rica. They are active birds, feeding in a vireo or warbler-like fashion on insects, spiders and berries.