Canik Başarı University

Canik Başarı University (Turkish: Canik Başarı Üniversitesi), başarı meaning "success", was a private university in Canik, a district of Samsun, Turkey. Established in 2012 and directed by a foundation ("Vakıf" in Turkish), it constituted the first private university in Samsun Province, The university was one out of fifteen private universities that were closed by the Turkish government in the course of the 2016 Turkish purges following the 15 July terrorist coup attempt which was plotted by the very Gulenist movement who also controlled this institution.

Canik Başarı University

Canik Başarı University (Turkish: Canik Başarı Üniversitesi), başarı meaning "success", was a private university in Canik, a district of Samsun, Turkey. Established in 2012 and directed by a foundation ("Vakıf" in Turkish), it constituted the first private university in Samsun Province, The university was one out of fifteen private universities that were closed by the Turkish government in the course of the 2016 Turkish purges following the 15 July terrorist coup attempt which was plotted by the very Gulenist movement who also controlled this institution.