Cantar de gesta

A cantar de gesta is the Spanish equivalent of the Old French medieval chanson de geste or "songs of heroic deeds". The most important cantares de gesta of Castile were: * The Cantar de Mio Cid, where the triumph of the true nobility, founded on effort, merit and optimism is narrated, as opposed to the blood nobility that the fictitious characters Infantes of Carrión represent. * The Poema de Fernán González, which presents a mix of history and legend concerning the first Count of Castile, Fernán González. * The Cantar de los Siete Infantes de Lara, where a right revenge long delayed is narrated. * The Cantar de Bernardo del Carpio, that narrates the tragic history of a bastard of noble origin attempting to procure the release from prison of his father, Count of Saldaña, jailed for

Cantar de gesta

A cantar de gesta is the Spanish equivalent of the Old French medieval chanson de geste or "songs of heroic deeds". The most important cantares de gesta of Castile were: * The Cantar de Mio Cid, where the triumph of the true nobility, founded on effort, merit and optimism is narrated, as opposed to the blood nobility that the fictitious characters Infantes of Carrión represent. * The Poema de Fernán González, which presents a mix of history and legend concerning the first Count of Castile, Fernán González. * The Cantar de los Siete Infantes de Lara, where a right revenge long delayed is narrated. * The Cantar de Bernardo del Carpio, that narrates the tragic history of a bastard of noble origin attempting to procure the release from prison of his father, Count of Saldaña, jailed for