Carbon diet

A carbon diet refers to reducing the impact on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (principally CO2) production. Individuals and businesses produce carbon dioxide from daily activities such as driving, heating, and the consumption of products and services. To reduce the effects of climate change, we could reduce our carbon output by going on a carbon diet. There are references to the use of the term carbon diet in several publications. The term "carbon diet" is used in the book Gore: A Political Life

Carbon diet

A carbon diet refers to reducing the impact on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (principally CO2) production. Individuals and businesses produce carbon dioxide from daily activities such as driving, heating, and the consumption of products and services. To reduce the effects of climate change, we could reduce our carbon output by going on a carbon diet. There are references to the use of the term carbon diet in several publications. The term "carbon diet" is used in the book Gore: A Political Life