Cardinal and Theological Virtues (Raphael)

The Cardinal and Theological Virtues is a fresco by Raphael as part of his Stanza della Segnatura in the Palazzi Vaticani in Vatican City. It is 6.6m wide at the base. The cardinal virtues are personified as three women in a bucolic landscape, and the theological virtues by cupids: * Fortitude, a woman holding an oak branch, with the branch shaken by the cupid Charity * Prudence, with two faces, looking in a mirror, with a cupid Hope behind her holding a flaming torch * Temperance, holding reins in her hand, guarding a cupid Faith, who points at the sky with his right hand

Cardinal and Theological Virtues (Raphael)

The Cardinal and Theological Virtues is a fresco by Raphael as part of his Stanza della Segnatura in the Palazzi Vaticani in Vatican City. It is 6.6m wide at the base. The cardinal virtues are personified as three women in a bucolic landscape, and the theological virtues by cupids: * Fortitude, a woman holding an oak branch, with the branch shaken by the cupid Charity * Prudence, with two faces, looking in a mirror, with a cupid Hope behind her holding a flaming torch * Temperance, holding reins in her hand, guarding a cupid Faith, who points at the sky with his right hand