Carl-Oscar Agell

Carl-Oscar Agell (29 August 1894 – 12 October 1983) was a Swedish Army officer. He served in Finland during the Winter War and back in Sweden he became commanding officer of Jämtland Rifle Regiment. Agell headed the Swedish contingent of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) and became civil defense chief in Norrköping before retiring in 1958.

Carl-Oscar Agell

Carl-Oscar Agell (29 August 1894 – 12 October 1983) was a Swedish Army officer. He served in Finland during the Winter War and back in Sweden he became commanding officer of Jämtland Rifle Regiment. Agell headed the Swedish contingent of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) and became civil defense chief in Norrköping before retiring in 1958.