Casas wrestling family

The Casas wrestling family, at times called La Dinastia Casas ("The Casas Dynasty") in Spanish, is a Mexican family of luchadors, or professional wrestlers. The Casas family perform primarily in Mexico but have made appearances in the United States of America, Canada, Europe and Japan over the years. The Casas family started in lucha libre in 1964 when José Casas Granados started wrestling under the ring name Pepe Casas. A second generation of Casas brothers is also active wrestlers starting with Pepe Casas' oldest son José Casas works under the ring name Negro Casas, younger siblings Jorge Luiz works as El Felino and Erick Casas is better known as Heavy Metal. Pepe Casas has at least one other son, a son who is not involved in wrestling at all but whose children are also third generation

Casas wrestling family

The Casas wrestling family, at times called La Dinastia Casas ("The Casas Dynasty") in Spanish, is a Mexican family of luchadors, or professional wrestlers. The Casas family perform primarily in Mexico but have made appearances in the United States of America, Canada, Europe and Japan over the years. The Casas family started in lucha libre in 1964 when José Casas Granados started wrestling under the ring name Pepe Casas. A second generation of Casas brothers is also active wrestlers starting with Pepe Casas' oldest son José Casas works under the ring name Negro Casas, younger siblings Jorge Luiz works as El Felino and Erick Casas is better known as Heavy Metal. Pepe Casas has at least one other son, a son who is not involved in wrestling at all but whose children are also third generation