Case Histories (TV series)

Case Histories is a British crime drama television series based on the Jackson Brodie novel series by Kate Atkinson. It stars Jason Isaacs, who had also narrated the abridged audiobook adaptation, as protagonist Jackson Brodie. The series is both set and filmed in Edinburgh. The first series premiered on June 5, 2011, on BBC1 in the United Kingdom, and in October 2011 on PBS in the United States. A second series aired in 2013. Initially commissioned as two feature-length episodes, in September 2012, the BBC reported that the format of series two would be different, encompassing three stories, each self-contained, at a running time of ninety minutes per episode. The first episode was revealed to be an adaptation of Atkinson’s novel Started Early, Took My Dog. Filming for the second series c

Case Histories (TV series)

Case Histories is a British crime drama television series based on the Jackson Brodie novel series by Kate Atkinson. It stars Jason Isaacs, who had also narrated the abridged audiobook adaptation, as protagonist Jackson Brodie. The series is both set and filmed in Edinburgh. The first series premiered on June 5, 2011, on BBC1 in the United Kingdom, and in October 2011 on PBS in the United States. A second series aired in 2013. Initially commissioned as two feature-length episodes, in September 2012, the BBC reported that the format of series two would be different, encompassing three stories, each self-contained, at a running time of ninety minutes per episode. The first episode was revealed to be an adaptation of Atkinson’s novel Started Early, Took My Dog. Filming for the second series c