Cattaro Mutiny

The Cattaro Mutiny (also known as Kotor in Austria) was an unsuccessful revolt by sailors of the Austro-Hungarian Navy in 1918. The mutiny took place in the Bay of Kotor (Cattaro) naval base. As World War I progressed, the cumulative effects of wartime economic and social disorganization became pervasive and the discipline of Austro-Hungarian soldiers faded away. Hunger, cold and pointless drills resulted in complaints, desertions and strikes. Revolutionary propaganda fuelled by the example of the Russian Revolution spread among soldiers and workers.

Cattaro Mutiny

The Cattaro Mutiny (also known as Kotor in Austria) was an unsuccessful revolt by sailors of the Austro-Hungarian Navy in 1918. The mutiny took place in the Bay of Kotor (Cattaro) naval base. As World War I progressed, the cumulative effects of wartime economic and social disorganization became pervasive and the discipline of Austro-Hungarian soldiers faded away. Hunger, cold and pointless drills resulted in complaints, desertions and strikes. Revolutionary propaganda fuelled by the example of the Russian Revolution spread among soldiers and workers.