Cedar Creek Wind Farm

The Cedar Creek Wind Farm is a 551.3MW, 397 wind turbine facility, consists of 2 phases, Cedar Creek I and Cedar Creek II, located 13 km (8 miles) east of Grover in north-central Weld County, Colorado, which became fully operational with the completion of Cedar Creek II in 2010. The initial 300.5 megawatt (MW) Cedar Creek I wind power installation was completed on time, within budget and without incident - with the operation commencing on 21 November 2007. Cedar Creek I is an important contributor to Colorado's New Energy Economy, providing enough wind-powered electricity for 81,135 homes. The power produced from the Cedar Creek wind farm is sold to the Public Service Company of Colorado. Cedar Creek II has an additional 250.8MW of generating capacity, and was commissioned in 2010.

Cedar Creek Wind Farm

The Cedar Creek Wind Farm is a 551.3MW, 397 wind turbine facility, consists of 2 phases, Cedar Creek I and Cedar Creek II, located 13 km (8 miles) east of Grover in north-central Weld County, Colorado, which became fully operational with the completion of Cedar Creek II in 2010. The initial 300.5 megawatt (MW) Cedar Creek I wind power installation was completed on time, within budget and without incident - with the operation commencing on 21 November 2007. Cedar Creek I is an important contributor to Colorado's New Energy Economy, providing enough wind-powered electricity for 81,135 homes. The power produced from the Cedar Creek wind farm is sold to the Public Service Company of Colorado. Cedar Creek II has an additional 250.8MW of generating capacity, and was commissioned in 2010.