Ceramic discharge metal-halide lamp

The ceramic discharge metal-halide (CDM) lamp, often referred to as Ceramic Metal Halide lamp (CMH) is a source of light that is a type of metal-halide lamp which is 10-20% more efficient than the traditional quartz metal halide and produces a superior color rendition (80-96 CRI). The term "Light Emitting Ceramic" or "LEC" is often misconstrued with CMH. It is actually the registered trademark of a specific brand of ceramic discharge metal halide light.

Ceramic discharge metal-halide lamp

The ceramic discharge metal-halide (CDM) lamp, often referred to as Ceramic Metal Halide lamp (CMH) is a source of light that is a type of metal-halide lamp which is 10-20% more efficient than the traditional quartz metal halide and produces a superior color rendition (80-96 CRI). The term "Light Emitting Ceramic" or "LEC" is often misconstrued with CMH. It is actually the registered trademark of a specific brand of ceramic discharge metal halide light.